
Pelvis Restoration Program

Are you suffering from pelvic pain?

PT in New York, NY could be the answer!

Pelvis is a big bowl shape structure supporting spine and organs inside. It is also a base of your spine. If pelvis is uneven, spine naturally becomes not straight, leaning toward lower side of pelvis. Spine is also a base of head where your vestibular system sits within. Since vestibular system wants to bring your head on the center of your body, leaned spine develops C sharped curve towards the other side. In more complicated condition, it makes S- shaped curve. We call those curves as “Scoliosis” and could benefit from our pelvis restoration program.

The Most Common Pelvis Dysfunction with Solution

The pelvis is a major structure transmitting body weight from the spine to the hip joints and ground reaction force from the hip joints to the spine.

Here are some common pelvis dysfunctions and their solutions:

1. Uneven Pelvis and Leg Length Difference

The uneven pelvis is one of the major cause of leg length difference. This imbalance gives more pressure on the shorter side of hip and back causing muscle and joint stiffness.


• Identify the pattern of body imbalance
• Implement the pattern modification program
• Begin the correction exercise program – stretching and strengthening program to make pelvis and hip joints even

2. Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Sacroiliac joint (SI joint) is the connection between the spine and pelvis. Since it bears high pressure all the time, it is common having trigger points and scar tissues in the surrounding ligaments and muscles. It can be the direct cause of the pain during the movement.

If SI joint does not move smoothly due to the accumulated scar tissues, it can restrict the movement of the hip joints and spine decreasing functional abilities.


• Apply trigger point release and SI joint adjust/mobilization techniques
• Begin the SI joint mobility exercise and core strengthening program

3. Pelvic girdle Instability with pain

If there were some injuries in the ligament or joint in the pelvis such as childbirth or fall, the pelvis can be unstable while doing strenuous activities. This instability can be a source of pain since the brain interprets it as a threat while moving the joint.


• Progressively increase the intensity of the core exercise program
• Use SI joint belt to increase the stability of the pelvis while doing exercise

4. Muscle imbalance around pelvic girdle

Muscle imbalance can be a source of your pain due to an improper exercise program and lack of stretching. The most common area is the hip flexor (iliopsoas muscle group), piriformis, quadratus lumborum trigger points and scar tissues along with weak gluteus maximus and abdominal muscles.


• Implement trigger point and scar tissue release on the target muscles
• Begin the strengthening program for the key muscles – gluteus maximus, abdominals
• If needed, implement habitual pattern modification program

Our pelvis restoration program may be beneficial if you or a loved one suffers from pelvic pain or conditions that interfere with your normal functioning. Please contact our physical therapy clinic in New York, NY today for more information!


What is the purpose of pelvic correction program?

Pelvis mis-alignment usually occurs because of the uneven body pattern such as bearing weight on the one leg or turning one foot outside too much. Thus, identifying the body pattern is the first step of the correction treatment. Once knowing the pattern, the pattern correction program will be implemented to reverse it.

In the treatment session, decreasing the pain with proper techniques is the main focus at the beginning. The correction program consists of stretching, strengthening and correction exercises. These exercises will be reviewed and modified/ progressed based on the individual’s progression.

We want you to be able to live comfortably at Touch Of Life Physical Therapy. Make an appointment with one of our pelvic floor specialists today by contacting our New York, NY clinic!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

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